3 Side Plank 1: Elbow / Knee Strengthening

Elbow to knee 2 1 Hold 5 to 15 secs on each side 45 sec to 1 min depending on exercise response
LOAD Elbow to knee
TEMPO Hold 5 to 15 secs on each side
REST 45 sec to 1 min depending on exercise response


  • Strengthens the deep lateral core stabilizer muscles and shoulder stabilizers.
  • Strengthens and protects back from injury.
  • Promotes healthy functional movement patterns through stabilization.

Targeted Muscles

  • Deep Abdominal Musculature
  • Oblique Abdominal Musculature
  • Shoulder Stabilizer Musculature
  • Inner and Outer Thigh Musculature

How to Perform

  1. Begin side lying with your left elbow under your shoulder and your knees bent 90 degrees, with feet behind you.
  2. Inhale and then exhale and gently draw the belly in towards the spine as you lift your waist and hips off the floor, balancing on your elbow and knee.
  3. Ensure your head, shoulders, hips and knees are in a straight line.
  4. Lift your right hand and arm straight up towards the ceiling and slightly pinch your shoulder blades to the mid back, opening the chest.
  5. Hold and repeat on the other side

Common Challenges

  • If you experience shoulder pain, it may be because your elbow isn't directly under your shoulder. If you continue to experience pain, consult an exercise professional or physical therapist.
  • The upper spine can sometime round, throwing the alignment off. To ensure proper alignment, lift the chest and pull the shoulders away from the ears.
  • Lastly, the hips may sit back from line of the head to knees. If that's the case, engage your glute (back of hips) muscles to push the hips forward and back into alignment.

Alternative Exercise Suggestions for Patients with an ICD

Maintain top side arm to the side of the body.