Suggested Equipment

The items can be found in many fitness supply stores or online.

6-Inch Foam Roller

(Etha hypoallergenic rollers are best)

Available at:
Fitter First

Bench or Chair

Available at:
Local Fitness Retailers

5-20lbs Hand Weights

(For easy storage try Power Blocks)

Available at:
Power Block

Exercise band (light to heavy)

A good brand is “Can do” from Fitter First.
(Light resistance to heavy)

Available at:
Local Fitness Retailers

Swiss Ball

(If purchasing a Swiss Ball, ensure it’s a burst resistance (up to 1100lbs))
(Duraball from Fitter First is the best on the market.)

Available at:
Local Fitness Retailers
Fitter First

Exercise or thick Yoga Mat

Available at:
Local Fitness Retailers
Fitter First
Lulu Lemon