4 Push Up 2: From Knees Strengthening

From Knees 2-3 10 2 Lower: 1 Hold: 2 Rise 1 min or longer depending on exercise response
LOAD From Knees
SETS 2-3
TEMPO 2 Lower: 1 Hold: 2 Rise
REST 1 min or longer depending on exercise response


  • Progression from Push Up 1.
  • Develop Upper Body Strength and Stability.

Targeted Muscles

  • Arm and Chest Musculature
  • Deep Core Abdominal Musculature

How to Perform

  1. Begin facing the floor on your hands and knees.
  2. Place hands a little wider than shoulders.
  3. Walk you knees back to create a plank position (Head, hips and knees in one line)
  4. Ensure head is back and in alignment with your spine.
  5. Draw the belly in towards the spine to engage the core.
  6. Inhale as you slowly lower your body towards the floor. Stopping 2 fists width from the floor.
  7. Exhale and slowly push the floor away from you and back to the start position.

Common Challenges

  • The head may fall out of alignment with the spine. Ensure it does not drop forward.
  • Shoulders may come up towards your ears. Pull them back and away from ears.
  • If the low back starts to arch, it could mean that your core is not engaged. Engage core by drawing in the belly button towards the spine.

Alternative Exercise Suggestions for Patients with an ICD

Avoid this exercise. An Alternative would be to complete Push Up 1: From Wall within this program or Side Plank 1: Elbow to Knee from the Intermediate Program.