Hip Extension 1: Both Feet Flat

Both Feet Flat 2 1 Hold 10 sec, working up to 30 sec 45 sec
LOAD Both Feet Flat
TEMPO Hold 10 sec, working up to 30 sec
REST 45 sec


  • Strengthen External Hip Rotators and Back Extensor Muscles.
  • Incorporate Core Stabilization with Hip Extension.
  • Develop foundational muscle activation for Lunge and Squat.

Targeted Muscles

  • Deep Core Abdominal Musculature
  • Para Spinal Musculature
  • Gluteal Musculature
  • Back of Thigh Musculature

How to Perform

  1. Lying face up with arms out to the side, knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Draw your belly gently in towards the spine and slowly lift hips from floor.
  3. Come to rest on your shoulders with your head in a neutral position.
  4. Hold the position using the back of your hips and legs. Most importantly recruiting the glute (bum) muscles. Don’t forget to breathe.
  5. Slowly return hips to the floor.
  6. Repeat

Common Challenges

  • Due to weak glute activation or tightness in quads (front leg muscles) or hip flexors, the hips may not lift to optimal height. Use the Hip Opener Stretch and then try the exercise again.
  • It's easy to hold this exercise with the hamstring (back of leg) muscles while forgetting to activate the glute (back of hip) muscles. If you don't feel those muscles firing, try tapping them to activate them.
  • Lastly, it's common to over arch the low the back. Ensure you keep a neutral spine.

Alternative Exercise Suggestions for Patients with an ICD

No Restriction